Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Must be gettin cold up North.

I was heading up the creek to open gates for the bulls and heifers, and put out salt. As I drove by the upper meadow, the Canadian Geese were sitting in the water bathing and talking. The cows and the geese seem to get along great. Unless you get that curious calf sneaking up on them! In the midst of winter we get thousands of geese and duck on the reserve. It has a warm spring running into it. And has the only open water for miles and miles.

Flying in.

Last winter right outside the back yard fence.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. It was minus 1 C at Inuvik ( on the Arctic coast) last night. that doesn't bother geese. They still fly through here in December. We also have geese all year on the open water in the river.

  2. Oh the Herefords love the Canada Geese here too. GREAT shots. B

  3. The geese fly through Kansas each fall, too. We are near the Quivira National Wildlife Refuge. This year, after a much wetter summer, more of them will likely drop by to visit. We just always hope they don't choose our newly-planted wheat fields for their feeding grounds.

  4. The geese and the cows look like they're friends :) I love the sound of migrating geese this time of year!!

  5. I see streams of Honkers overhead this time of the year. Noisy! I like the shots of the cows with the geese heads poking up. The overhead shot is nice. M

  6. You really have it all...all that matters! The more I see of your world, the more I like it.

  7. Next month...we will start to see the travelers coming back. Already most of our summer birds are taking flight. I have had to rarely refill the seed feeders. I hate to see the hummers go, but the bees found the hummingbird feeders so have become huge pests.


  8. That warm spring must be a sight during the winter months!


Thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the ranch.